We have drawn shadow diagrams for development applications submitted to the following local councils in Western Australia
Bassendean, Town of Bassendean
Bayswater, City of Morley Belmont, City of Cloverdale
East Fremantle, Town of East Fremantle
Fremantle, City of East Fremantle
Peppermint Grove, Shire of Peppermint Grove
Rockingham, City of Rockingham
Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Shire of Mundijong
South Perth, City of South Perth
Victoria Park, Town of Victoria Park
Augusta–Margaret River, Shire of Margaret River
Boddington, Shire of Boddington
Boyup Brook, Shire of Boyup Brook
Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Shire of Bridgetown
Broomehill-Tambellup, Shire of Tambellup
Bruce Rock, Shire of Bruce Rock
Chapman Valley, Shire of Nabawa
Coolgardie, Shire of Coolgardie
Dalwallinu, Shire of Dalwallinu
Dandaragan, Shire of Jurien Bay
Derby-West Kimberley, Shire of Derby
Donnybrook-Balingup, Shire of Donnybrook
Dumbleyung, Shire of Dumbleyung
Gnowangerup, Shire of Gnowangerup
Goomalling, Shire of Goomalling
Greater Geraldton, City of Geraldton
Halls Creek, Shire of Halls Creek
Jerramungup, Shire of Jerramungup
Kalgoorlie-Boulder, City of Kalgoorlie
Kellerberrin, Shire of Kellerberrin
Lake Grace, Shire of Lake Grace
Mount Magnet, Shire of Mount Magnet
Mount Marshall, Shire of Bencubbin
Mukinbudin, Shire of Mukinbudin
Ngaanyatjarraku, Shire of Warburton
Northampton, Shire of Northampton
Plantagenet, Shire of Mount Barker
Port Hedland, Town of Port Hedland
Quairading, Shire of Quairading
Ravensthorpe, Shire of Ravensthorpe
Three Springs, Shire of Three Springs
Upper Gascoyne, Shire of Gascoyne Junction
Victoria Plains, Shire of Calingiri
Wongan-Ballidu, Shire of Wongan Hills
Woodanilling, Shire of Woodanilling
Wyalkatchem, Shire of Wyalkatchem
Wyndham East Kimberley, Shire of Kununurra