Overshadowing condition will make Braddon project unviable, says developer

Overshadowing condition will make Braddon project unviable, says developer.

The company proposing a nine-storey development in Braddon is trying to change conditions imposed by the ACT Planning Authority to reduce overshadowing of the neighbouring apartment building, which it says will render the proposal unviable.

In May, the Planning Authority approved a development application from Moruya-based developer Liebke and Co for a 105-apartment project to be built on a 2090-square-metre rectangular site at 90 Northbourne Avenue (Block 1 Section 19), replacing the ageing low-rise Elouera Street flats next to the Phoenix Apartments.

However, about 40 Phoenix residents objected to the proposal, saying they would be overshadowed for much of the winter and most of the year, and the Planning Authority said Liebke would need to remove 18 of its south-facing units across levels two to eight from the plans.

Liebke has now lodged a reconsideration application seeking to remove this condition in favour of an alternative proposal it says will only result in a small increase in overshadowing but retain the proposal’s viability.

It proposes to reintroduce a number of the south-facing units while still achieving a “significant and comparable reduction” in overshadowing, and make improvements to the amenity of the reinstated south-facing dwellings.

A shadow diagram showing the effects of the Liebke alternative on the Phoenix apartments on the winter solstice. Image: Purdon Planning.